How to Create a DMR Codeplug by Chuck K0XM
Hi everybody, it's Chuck K0XM. And we're going to have a little video today on how to create your own DMR codeplug with analog and digital channels both in it.
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Have questions? Give us a call:(816) 532-8451
In this video Chuck (KØXM) will show you how to install the AnyTone USB driver and device software.
AnyTone support page: https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/page...
For more information call 816-532-8451 or contactus@bridgecomsystems.com
Check out this short 3:47 video demo to see how a BCR repeater can operate on Analog and digital at the same time!
Jason comes by the booth with Gary Pearce from HamRadioNow for a chat, minute 18:30. Watch and enjoy!