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BridgeCom Official Blog

  • KB6NU No-Nonsense Study Guides Now Available
    December 2, 2015 Tim King

    KB6NU No-Nonsense Study Guides Now Available

    Get the study guide that makes passing your Amateur Radio License Test EASY!  The No-Nonsense Study Guide is only what you need in an easy to read and and comprehend book.  Whether you are studying for your Technician, General or Extra Class this guide is a must! The guides are available for download in three versions: pdf, Kindle or Nook.

    No-Nonsense Study Guides

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  • What is: Data Radio and Telemetry?
    November 2, 2015 Tim King

    What is: Data Radio and Telemetry?


    Radio technology – traditionally understood as the wireless broadcasting of audio signals like music and speech – has had a fresh lease of life in recent years.

    In simple terms, radio technology leverages the electromagnetic radiations (EMR), which can be oscillate at desired frequency and allow trans-reception of data when attuned to the correct value. EMR waves travel at the speed of light, through any media (or even vacuum!), and may be used for either near-field or far-field communication based on the frequency specifications. In short, radio waves are just low-frequency versions of what we call “light”. Range of these EMR wave frequencies comprise a particular ‘channel’, which is precisely what the radio stations adhere to.

    Commercially, the need for transmitting information over geographical distances has skyrocketed in recent years, as has the demand for radio to meet those needs. From radar, sonar, GPS navigation systems, wireless networking, and cellular data plans at industrial scale to Bluetooth technology and near-field communication (NFC) for your hand-held devices, radio is omnipresent.

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  • New Ham: Next Steps by KC HamLink
    October 27, 2015 Tim King

    New Ham: Next Steps by KC HamLink

    Find an Elmer. Historically, an Elmer is defined in amateur radio as an experience ham that can come alongside a new ham to provide technical experience and guidance.  As you start to attend club meetings and meet other hams, watch for...

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  • New Ham: First Steps by KC HamLink
    October 23, 2015 Tim King

    New Ham: First Steps by KC HamLink

    There are some important first steps that newly licensed operators in the KC Metro area can do to help them get off to the right start.  These first steps are designed to get you on the air and help you get connected to other experienced hams in the area.

    KC HamLink

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  • October 21, 2015 Tim King

    New 224.800 Repeater On The Air - SEMARA

    BridgeCom Systems BCR-220 RepeaterAfter an 8 month absence, the SEMARA Repeater Committee has restored 220 MHz service via our brand new BridgeCom Systems ComLink™ BCR-220 repeater!  The new repeater went live at 9:05 PM on Thursday, July 16, 2015.  Like our 2-meter and 900 MHz repeaters, this repeater resides at our 180-foot tower site and its antenna (temporarily a Comet CX-333 shared with our 2m APRS station) is also atop the tower.  Full technical specifications can be found on our repeaters section.
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  • October 19, 2015 Tim King

    Ham Radio and the Raspberry Pi

    As many are using Raspberry Pi for many Hamradio applications, I believe this site may be of interest. Check it out.   "Here I will list details of some of the many uses for Raspberry Pi computers in ham radio"...

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  • October 19, 2015 Tim King

    SouthSide Hamfest, Belton, MO

    BridgeCom Systems had a good time at the SouthSide Hamfest in Belton, MO Saturday 10/17.  We saw some familiar faces and met some new folks too!

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  • October 15, 2015 Tim King

    BridgeCom Systems TxRx Newsletter 10/14/15

    ‪BridgeCom Systems‬ TxRx Newsletter: NEW Products, RoIP, Commercial and Amateur RadioWhat's in the Newsletter:It's here: BCH-220 updateProduct Development‪220 MHz‬ update To read the TxRx Newsletter click here

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  • October 2, 2015 Tim King

    The Amateur Amateur: 220

    October 2015

    The Amateur Amateur: 220

    By Gary Ross Hoffman, KB0H

    BridgeCom Systems BCR-220 Repeater

    BridgeCom BCR-220 1.25m (220 MHz) Repeater

    My friend Chuck, N0EIS, tells jokes that are either so corny that I can't believe he has the nerve to say them aloud, or so profound that I'm overwhelmed by his wit and wisdom. He oscillates between lunatic and genius, and much of the time I have no idea what he's talking about. Therefore, whenever he brings up a subject that I actually understand, I pay close attention.

    That's how I became interested in the 1.25 meter band (220 MHz). Chuck is always lauding its attributes. He tells me that it works well in the lumps and bumps that constitute the terrain of St. Louis County. Of course, Chuck can get anything to work, whereas I can get just about nothing to work, but I thought I'd give the band a try anyway.

    This was several years ago, so as you might imagine, I didn't find much in the way of 1.25m equipment on the market. Ideally, I wanted something like I already had, except with the extra band.

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