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Ohio Hospital uses BridgeCom Systems to link LTR Communication System

In a critical situation communication is key. This is especially true in a hospital where lives are on the line. In one Ohio hospital system they face a greater challenge. How can several of the hospital buildings, spread out over a distance, communicate like they are one? 

The Requirement: Create a seamless communication network so the hospitals can communicate together using the existing LTR communication system over four three channel sites.

BridgeCom TL-NET Hospital SolutionThe Solution: Deploy BridgeCom Systems TL-NET multi-site networking communication system. The hospitals have four LTR sites with three channels each. The main site will use a TL-NET Gateway, connected to three TL-NET Controllers. Then the controllers will be connected to their existing repeaters, and finally to the internet. The three other sites will use a TL-NET MV-2 and TL-NET MV-1 connected to three BridgeCom BCR Repeaters. What do all the pieces do and how do they work together?

A TL-NET Gateway will convert the incoming audio and data into RoIP (Radio over IP) and send it over the internet to another site or endpoint. A TL-NET Controller will decode the LTR data and pass the audio per the created talk map. The MV-1 and MV-2 are a combination of a controller and a gateway, but limited to only two audio channels max. It will convert the incoming audio and data to RoIP and pass it to the correct site or endpoint. The last piece is the repeater. Just to make sure we are all on the same page, it will receive the audio from radios or from the converted RoIP audio and repeat it back out. Now that we understand the parts required, let's talk about the software that is installed on the TL-NET system.

Through the TL-NET system software you can set up how calls are routed, called a talkmap. The software provides a web address where the system settings can be changed and a talkmap created.  It can be set up so a call keys up every channel, or like in an LTR system the prescribed talk group. It can be a very simple one to one link or as complex as the need requires. A TL-NET system can have 80 sites or more and a gateway can be up to 20 channels. The IP requirement is very small, the BridgeCom factory default is set at only 30k per audio channel. High Speed IP connection is all that is required, and can be a static or dynamic. 

Final Analysis: The hospital was able to deploy the TL-NET solution and easily set up the talk groups it required. TL-NET allowed them to have the wide area LTR communication system they required. It gave them the ability to all talk together in the event of a large emergency, or from one hospital to another for smaller events. With a three channel system they can have 3 conversations going on at any one time, like emergency room, maintenance, and security.

The TL-NET system they have is also flexible. If the hospital needs more capacity the TL-NET system is easily upgraded by adding more channels, additional sites, and adjusting the talk map. They could even include specific coverage if they encounter a dead spot. 

 For more information about the TL-NET products click HERE or call 816-532-8451. 

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