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The Most Reliable Survival Radio for Ham Radio Preppers

The Most Reliable Survival Radio for Ham Radio Preppers

Want to have self-reliant communication when all else fails?

The AnyTone 578 Mobile is the perfect radio for any survivalist looking for their first mobile radio. In this video, I’ll take you through everything you can expect with your AnyTone 578 and the key benefits for survivalist or prepper situations.

You deserve the comfort of knowing that no matter what happens, you can always have effective communciation. 

Are you ready to upgrade to the AnyTone AT-D578 Mobile?

Learn More about the Anytone 578 Mobile >

Video Transcription:
Hi everyone. I'm Cody, W3AMG, with BridgeCom Systems. Today, I'm super excited to talk to you about the AnyTone 578. Specifically, why the AnyTone 578 is a perfect radio for any survivalist looking for their first mobile radio. In this video, I'll take you through everything you can expect from your AnyTone 578, and the key benefits from any survivalist.

So let's start off with reliability. The AnyTone 578 mobile comes with up to 50 Watts of power for clear and long-range performance, and Bluetooth to sync your earpieces or car stereos for tactical communications. DMR transmissions are more energy-efficient, so you're ready to last longer, transmissions are easier to receive and transmit further to ensure you are having clear communications.

The three most important benefits for survival scenarios are the GPS transmitting, the commercial band capability and the dual-band functionality. The GPS transmitting ability allows your friends to see where you are in a crisis situation. This can be turned on and off. This radio can also be used on commercial bands with the correct licensing so you can talk to almost anyone. And most crucial, the AnyTone 578 is dual-band. This means you can use it on analog and DMR, UHF and VHF, and almost all common frequencies. The loudspeaker on top of this radio makes it super easy to hear in noisy environment such as when you have the windows down in your car. "This is W3AMG testing on the audio quality on the AnyTone 578. This is W3AMG testing on the audio quality on the AnyTone 578."

This mobile is incredibly durable. You won't find yourself worrying about how delicate the casting is.

Finally, let's talk about how user-friendly the 578 mobile actually is. Your radio will come with a simple to read customizable display to see who you are talking with. This radio also comes with an easy to use programming cable and software, and a programmable front panel to punch in frequencies on the fly.

When you purchase, you will receive BridgeCom University. This is our beginner to expert course to give you the confidence and know-how to use your radio like a pro. Your purchase will also include BridgeCom Systems' quality customer service to make sure you can use your equipment.

Today, we covered the ins and outs of the AnyTone 578 mobile and why it is a solid radio for any prepper looking for a reliable DMR radio. I'm Cody, W3AMG, with BridgeCom Systems. 73.

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Philip A Wasden - December 5, 2020

I am impressed with the compact, easy function, and multiple applications, of these units.

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