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Field Day 2015 was an excellent opportunity to showcase Amateur Radio to the community and provide practical hands on experience that can be utilized during actual disasters or emergencies.
I appreciate the efforts of the net control operators on the MO Traffic Nets to facilitate the handling of Section Manager and Section Emergency Coordinator traffic. One of the important upgrades in Field Day, in recent years, is the improved messaging through TV news, print news outlets and social media. I don’t know if every MO Section Field Day operation experienced a rain storm during Field Day this year but, at my club’s Field Day site, the rain seems to arrive on schedule like the buzzards returning to Hinckley Ohio. I hope everyone had a safe, fun and productive Field Day 2015 and are looking forward to an even better Field Day 2016.
One of the areas where Amateur Radio gets exposure to the general public is at Public Service events. Amateur Radio operators and Radio Clubs volunteer and bring their skills, equipment and knowledge to helping provide public safety and event communications all over the State of Missouri. Mike Bellinger, K0UAA, reports that The Heart of America Amateur Radio Club and others in the Kansas City area help with area Triathlon & Duathlon. Jill Hathaway, the event manager of the Kansas City Tour de Cure, expressed her thanks for the incredible support of the 2015 Wheels to Weston and the support of Kansas City area Amateur Radio operators volunteered to assist with safety and communication logistics. The St. Louis Suburban Radio Club provides communications support for events such as the ADA Tour de Cure, Lupus WolfRide GranFondo, and the Bike MS: Express Scripts Gateway Getaway Ride. The MO Section News likes to pass on information about a Radio Club’s efforts to participate in Public Service Events. If your club is helping with these events, let either the Section Manager know or contact MO Affiliated Club Coordinator Keith Haye, WE0G and let us know.
JULY 2015 HAMFEST The Warrensburg Area Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring their Hamfest on Saturday July 18, 2015. The Hamfest will be held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds that is located a couple miles west of Warrensburg, MO on U.S. Highway 50. The website is http://www.waarci.org/hamfest/hamfestflyer_2015.pdf the Talk-in will be on 146.880 - offset (PL 107.2) The contact person is Ken Smith , KO9R, 126 SW 400th Road Warrensburg, MO 64093 Phone: 660-441-0007. The e-mail is hamfest@waarci.org.
The Zero Beaters ARC will be holding their Hamfest on Sunday July 19, 2015 in Washington, MO at the Washington Elks Hall located at 5th and Grand. To learn more about this year’s Hamfest, check their website http://www.zerobeaters.org Talk-in is on 147.24+ (no PL tone) You can also contact Bruce Serbus , KD0KCF, PO Box 277 Gray Summit, MO 63039. Bruce is available by phone: 314-954-3199 or e-mail at kdokcf@sbcglobal.net
AUGUST HAMFEST 2015 The St. Charles Amateur Radio Club will be held on Aug. 9th at the Elk’s Lodge located at 1163 Tom Ginnever Avenue in O’Fallon, MO. To learn more about the Hamfest go to http://wb0hsi.org. The contact person is Renee Simon, KD0OTG. She can be reached by mail at 10 Brave Frontier Court Dardenne Prairie, MO 63368 or by Phone at 636-978-8422. Renee’s e-mail address is akaqb@charter.net.
The Joplin Hamfest will be held on August 21st and 22nd at the John Q. Hammons Trade Center in Joplin, MO. This is always one of best Hamfests you can attend. There will be over 250 tables in 30,000 sq. ft. A/C facility. There are always excellent forums, outstanding Commercial Vendors and one of the best Ham flea markets. This Hamfest draws Amateurs, Vendors and flea Market folks from four States and it is inside an outstanding air conditioned facility. Don’t miss the Outdoor Cookout from 5:00 to 7:00 pm Friday evening. If you need more info you can contact Jim Scott, via wb0iyc@arrl.net. The flyer for the JARC Hamfest is in the mail to ARRL Affiliated Clubs and can be viewed at http://joplin-arc.com/jarc/index.php.
The June issue of the St. Charles Amateur Radio Club reported that SCARC member Rick Crockett, W0PC gave a presentation at the May meeting of the St. Louis and Suburban Radio Club. Rick led the group through a session on remote control of his "home station". He showed the group just how easy remote control is with today's equipment and software.
In an effort to save money, the FCC no longer will be supplying a printed Amateur Radio license on their special paper, but they have made it possible for all Hams to print their own "Official Copy" of their license. In an effort to help SCARC members, Rick Crockett, W0PC has developed a step-by-step guide to help Amateurs navigate the FCC website and obtain an official copy. That guide is available on the SCARC website. Just look for "Print Your Ham License Official Copy". You can look at his guide at http://www.wb0hsi.org/Print%20Your%20Ham%20License%20de%20W0PC.pdf.
The St. Louis Suburban Radio Club newsletter the Printed Circuit reports that there are some changes coming to the 146.850 repeater. Chris Barber,WX5CW, the chair of the engineering committee gave an update on the recent committee meeting: Antennas on 146.850 repeater are being replaced in the near future and Internet access will occur in about 30 days. The repeater is being replaced with Yaesu DR-1X which is a fusion repeater and will allow full MESH integration. Goal is to have all club repeaters switched over.
David Mueller, AC0WI, reported in the CARL Spark Gaps Newsletter that the Callaway Amateur Radio League will be participating in the 2015 Callaway Youth Expo that is held annually at the Auxvasse Lions Club Park in Auxvasse, MO. This event involves youth in the 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts programs. Dave Phillips, KC0LYA, reported that the antenna, radios and other necessary equipment will be set-up Thursday July 9th at 9:00 a.m.. The CARL Club meeting will be held at the Callaway Youth Expo at 7:00 p.m. on the same day.

SECTION ARES REPORT FOR JUNE 2015 JEFF YOUNG, KB3HF, SEC. Total # ARES Members 1315 Number of Drills, Testing, Etc. 302 Number of Ham Hours 3738.93 Number of Public Service Events 53 Number of Ham Hours 1280 Number of Emergency Operations 45 Number of Ham hours Emer. Op. 576.8 Total ARES Operations this month 400 Total Ham Hours 5603.73 9 out of 9 districts reporting SECTION TRAFFIC REPORTS JUNE 2015
MO SECTION NET (MON) Sessions 30 QNI 93 QTC 12 Net Mgr. K9ZTV MO TRAFFIC NET Sessions 30 QNI 958 QTC 122 Net Mgr. K0RWL MESN Sessions 4 QNI 147 QTC 1 Net Mgr. K0VET Lebanon ARES Sessions 5 QNI 27 QTC 0 Net Mgr. KD0PLS Callaway Co CARL Sessions 4 QNI 62 QTC 4 Net Mgr. KC0LYA Boone Co CMRA Session 4 QNI 55 QTC 4 Net Mgr. KC0WGB AARC Sessions 7 QNI 51 QTC 0 Net Mgr KB0KWC STL ARES Sessions 15 QNI 96 QTC 10 Net Mgr. KB0H Jackson County Sessions 4 QNI 74 QTC 0 Net Mgr. K0UAA Macon Cnty ARES Sessions 4 QNI 59 QTC 0 Net Mgr. K0KY Rolla RRARS Sessions 30 QNI 428 QTC 1 Net Mgr. KD0WQW WAARCI Sessions 4 QNI 114 QTC 1 Net Mgr. KB0HV Texas Co Sessions 30 QNI 522 QTC 27 Net Mgr. N0TPE Randolph Co ARESS Sessions 4 QNI 24 QTC 0 Net Mgr. N0AUY Mid-MO ARC Sessions 4 QNI 75 QTC 0 Net Mgr. WW0G KC ARES Digital Sessions 4 QNI 31 QTC 13 Net Mgr. K0KEX Franklin Co ARES Sessions 12 QNI 77 QTC 4 Net Mgr. WA0ZUG Northland ARES Sessions 5 QNI 57 QTC 9 Net Mgr. K0KEX Tri-County ARC Sessions 4 QNI 35 QTC 0 Net Mgr N0AUY District A ARES Sessions 1 QNI 10 QTC 1 Net Mgr. N4RZB District E ARES Sessions 7 QNI 33 QTC 1 Net Mgr. K0RIC Hannibal ARES Sessions 9 QNI 156 QTC 7 Net Mgr. KD0HHN Jackson Co ARES Dig Sessions 4 QNI 34 QTC 7 Net Mgr. N0AJI Benton County Sessions 4 QNI 58 QTC 1 Net Mgr. KD0CNC 10th Region CW Sessions 56 QNI 0 QTC 134 Net Mgr. W0SS 10th Region SSB Sessions 22 QNI 0 QTC 41 Net Mgr. K0VTT Totals Sessions 307 QNI 3276 QTC 400 10th Region Participation CW 53% K9ZTV, ND0N, W0SJS, Net Mgr. W0SS 10th Region Participation SSB 5% KB0GWY Net Mgr. K0VTT -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Missouri Section Section Manager: Dale C Bagley, K0KY k0ky@arrl.org
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Ina - October 17, 2015

Dayton Hamvention captured on Google Maps’ 45-degree aeiral view (December 13, 2012) While I was planning a potential trip to the Dayton Hamvention next year, I was looking around on Google Maps and I flipped on the satellite view over Hara Arena and much to my surprise it was a view of the 2012 Dayton Hamvention flea market. It was later confirmed by a member of the Hamvention committee member.

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