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How to Add a Talk Group to Your Codeplug in Your Plug and Play Package

How to Add a Talk Group to Your Codeplug in Your Plug and Play Package

Hi everyone. This is Cody from BridgeCom Systems, and in this video, I'm going to show you how to add another talk group to your DVMEGA plug and play package codeplug. So if you've installed the CPS, the programming software to your computer, go ahead and click the com port button here. Plug in your radio and turn it on, and then you'll see it show up in the com port. Click okay.

Then we're going to read from the radio. Now, this will pull in your current codeplug. Now you don't have to import the whole contact list if you've already done that before. So here we go. We've read the radio. Now let's say I want to add, for example, we're going to add for this video TAC 314. So what I'm going to do is double click on this next channel here, and we want to program up the frequencies to the same exact frequencies that are on the rest of the plug and play package codeplug. They're going to be the same thing because that's what it talks to the DVMEGA on. Then, let's say, so I want to give it the name Mega TAC 314, in this case. Then we're going to go find this in the, I believe this is called contact.

Now you can add in any other talk group you want to. If you want to add in a different state, you can do that right here. Okay. Here we go. So here's the TACs, TAC 314. We're going to add that one in here. Now we want to take the transmit power down to low because this is just transmitting to the hotspot. So we don't need to transmit at high power. And say okay. Now if we go ahead and write this to the radio, just like this, we're going to run into an issue, and I'll show you what that issue is right here. It won't actually show up.

So over here on the radio, it's just rebooting right now. We can go all the way through the channels on here, TAC 311, 312, and we're going to go right past everything and we're not going to find that new channel that we added, the new talk group. Now the reason for that, we'll jump back into computer here, is under the zone, we haven't added it to our zone. So on your codeplug, if it's a plug and play package, this will probably be labeled like DVMEGA zone or something similar to that. So we want to double click on that, open it up, and you'll see all of your zone channels.

Now this one we've added to the channel list is not yet in the zone, so just click the arrow, select the channel you want, click the arrow, add it across to your zone, and then click okay. Now, when we go back over here and write to the radio, just like that, we're going to actually see it in our list of channels.

So here we go. If we go ahead and scroll through, there's TAC 314. And there we go. So it worked. So it's really that simple. A really easy process. If you want to make more zones and add local repeaters, anything like that, a very similar process. Just remember to add them to your zone. And then if you want to change your zones, you can use the up and down arrows to go through different zones if you have more than one.

But that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed the video. Hopefully, this is helpful to you. If you know anyone else who's struggling with any issues like this or you think might find value in this, share it with them, like us on our Facebook, follow us on the YouTube Channel. Don't forget to hit that a notification bell. We're always posting more helpful content for you guys and we don't want you guys to miss out. So that's it for now. Hope you all enjoyed. 73.

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barry gordon - August 4, 2020

what video

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