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BridgeCom Official Blog

  • June 29, 2015 Tim King

    Texas Council Deploys BridgeCom Interoperability System

    Texas Council Deploys BridgeCom Interoperability System BridgeCom Systems deployed a wide-area communications solution for Nalcom Wireless in Palestine, Texas, which serves the communications needs of the Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG). BridgeCom deployed single-channel gateways and controllers to...

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  • FM Repeaters – An Introduction
    June 19, 2015 Tim King

    FM Repeaters – An Introduction

    Article by Stu Turner, WØSTU

    Operating on VHF/UHF FM repeaters is one of the most popular activities in amateur radio. For the new ham, FM repeater ops are often the first and most common on-air experiences, but accessing repeaters also represents a significant initial vexation for the new ham to overcome. Mastering the integrated concepts of frequency pairs, tones or other squelch methods, transceiver channel programming, and repeater on-air protocols is the first significant operational challenge that many hams will encounter in their new hobby.

    BCR Repeater Installs

    This article introduces fundamental concepts of FM repeater operations for the new ham and depicts a high level view of typical FM phone repeater anatomy and functioning. The goal is to demystify repeaters and help the newly licensed Technician overcome any initial bewilderment about repeaters. Let’s get off to a great start in ham radio with solid footing in repeaters!

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  • June 17, 2015 Tim King

    BridgeCom visits Ham-Com 2015 Irving, TX

    Here are some thoughts and pictures from our visit to Ham-Com 2015 in Irving, TX.

    BridgeCom Systems Ham-Com 2015 BoothRon and I left the Kansas City, MO area on Thursday morning and it was 80+ degrees.  When we got to TX it was 90+ degrees, so summer is officially here.  

    Driving from MO to TX without the radio on leaves for a lot of random conversation, good, but random.  Ron and I discussed our thoughts and expectations for Ham-Com.  We expected to have a good booth location, plenty of foot traffic, and generate a positive buzz surrounding BridgeCom Systems and our products.  We packed with us three repeaters (BCR-50V, BCR-220, BCR-40U), the new BCM-220 mobile, and our MV-DMR server in a 2U chassis, plus the assorted banners and spec sheets.  

    We arrived in TX about 3:30p Thursday and went straight to the Irving Convention Center to unload and set up.  The people of TX are very nice, lots of yes sir, no sir.  We got set up pretty quickly, we like to keep the booth small with just a few products and brochures.  I'm not a fan of the table across the entire front of the booth, but it seemed to work well this time giving us some shelter from the masses.  However, I should have put the banners out front on the corners where people could have seen them better.

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  • Duplexer and Repeaters: Basic Information
    May 21, 2015 Tim King

    Duplexer and Repeaters: Basic Information

    Duplexers and Repeaters Some Basic Information BY ROBERT A. LEHNING*, WA2YSJ All across the country there are many amateur repeate  stations operating on 2 meters, 220  and 440 MHz, and to some extent on 1.2 GHz.  Several  modes of operating such as FM, ATV, and packet (digital) have also become...

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