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BridgeCom Official Blog

  • Receiver Desense Testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O From Repeater-Builder.com
    September 9, 2016 Tim King

    Receiver Desense Testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O From Repeater-Builder.com

    Receiver desense testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O


    Due to the inability of certain people to communicate properly and understand all the aspects of site testing this page was created to read, compare notes and build on for the benefit of all. Human communication, comprehension and understanding problems is beyond the scope of this document, however the reader should keep these problems in mind when dealing with site issues and interfacing with other companies and government Agencies. Misunderstandings, bogus readings, log entries, technician and management diagnostics and plan of actions for problem solving are commonly mis-directed with considerable time and expense wasted in the wrong direction of efforts. This can lead to the general desensitation (pun intended) and poor attitude of the workforce in most any private company or government in the technical (repair) field around this country. Fortunately, there still is a handful of technicians that care to understand what the problem is and the proper way to solve, or at least, reduce the symptoms to an acceptable figure. If you are reading this it's most like you are in one of the latter. This is a good thing.

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  • BridgeCom Systems BCH-220  222 MHz Handheld FM Transceiver - QST Magazine
    September 9, 2016 Tim King

    BridgeCom Systems BCH-220 222 MHz Handheld FM Transceiver - QST Magazine

    Reviewed by Rick Palm, K1CE k1ce@arrl.net

    The BCH-220 handheld 222 MHz (1.25 centimeters) FM transceiver is a product of BridgeCom Systems, a company many readers may not have heard of. Based in Smithville, Missouri, the company was established in 2004, and according to its website, develops and sells communications equipment for the land mobile radio, Amateur Radio, commercial radio, and remote monitoring markets. Its first product was a VHF/UHF FM repeater.

    Click here to read the review

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  • Analog and DMR Talk Together
    August 3, 2016 Tim King

    Analog and DMR Talk Together

    Newsflash: The world is going digital! I know, I know, this is not really a revelation. We all carry around a smartphone, tablet or PC that communicates over digital LTE or Wifi. The two way radio is not much different...

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  • Becoming a Great Elmer - Our Hamstation by Fred, AB1OC
    May 5, 2016 Ron Kochanowicz

    Becoming a Great Elmer - Our Hamstation by Fred, AB1OC

    There is much being said and written these days about the importance of bringing new New Amateur Radio License Classpeople, especially young people, into our Hobby. There are many obvious reasons for this. As we all get older or get busy with other aspects of our lives, some will leave the hobby. Also, we have the use of many commercially valuable portions of the RF spectrum and there is always pressure to reallocate bands or segments of bands which are not fully utilized. In my mind, the most important reason to bring new HAMs into our hobby has to do with the energy and new ideas that these folks bring to Amateur Radio. Amateur Radio has always been a learning hobby and new folks help us to keep this important part of what makes our hobby so much fun vibrant.

    Becoming a Great Elmer - Our Hamstation by Fred, AB1OC

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  • March 16, 2016 Tim King


    MARCH 2016 
    Cecil Higgins MO SM
               I want to thank all the volunteers that are continuing to
    serve the ARRL Missouri Section in their appointed positions for the
    Section. You are a great group and I really appreciate you all. 
             Don’t forget that the Missouri QSO Party, sponsored by the
    Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society, will be April 2nd and 3rd. You
    can check out all the information about the MOQP at the BEARS website
    by using the link http://w0ma.org/index.php/missouri-qso-party.  Look
    over the whole site and use the links about the rules and other
    information that will prove quite valuable. 
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  • 65 Great Things about Ham Radio by CQ Magazine
    January 7, 2016 Tim King

    65 Great Things about Ham Radio by CQ Magazine

    Clearly written by hams for hams. 65 great things about ham radio from CQ Magazine
    BridgeCom Systems Booth Ft Wayne Hamfest 2015
    1. It works when nothing else does
    2. It makes you part of a worldwide community
    3. The opportunity to help neighbors by providing public service and emergency communications
    4. Some of the nicest people you'll ever meet
    5. Some of the smartest people you'll ever meet
    6. Some of the most interesting people you'll ever meet
    7. Some of the most generous people you'll ever meet (along with some of the cheapest!)
    8. Lifelong friendships
    9. Friends around the world (including those you haven't met yet)
    10. The opportunity to go interesting places you might not otherwise go to
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  • Get Your Ham Radio License! by WØSTU From HamRadioSchool.com
    December 10, 2015 Ron Kochanowicz

    Get Your Ham Radio License! by WØSTU From HamRadioSchool.com

    Get Your Ham Radio License!

    You want to get your ham radio license, huh? Good! I know it can seem chaotic and confusing at first. There is a ton of jargon to cut through. A room of five ham radio operators will hold at least a dozen opinions on the best methods. Let’s get past all that.

    The aim of this article for the brand new initiate is to dispense with the jargon, limit pure opinion, and provide some plain, simple, and practical information about getting started in ham radio, or how to get your ham radio license. Let’s get right to it.

    How do I get a ham radio license -WG0AT Yagi

    Steve WGØAT operating portable in the Rockies.

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