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How to Program a Shortcut Button for Talkgroup Disconnect

How to Program a Shortcut Button for Talkgroup Disconnect

If your radio is chalked full of talkgroups, there's no sense in constantly having to scroll back to 'talkgroup disconnect' to switch to another talkgroup. By programming the Pf3 Key to access 'talkgroup disconnect', you can make switching your talkgroup much more convenient and easy for maximum functionality and usability. With BridgeCom's Ultra Codeplug, this function is already programmed in! Check out our Ultra Codeplug here, and now let's get into how it's actually done.

Open up your your radio's CPS, and make sure to first 'read from your radio'.
You will want to ensure you have the talkgroup disconnect both in your talkgroups, and the channel for it, which is talkgroup No. 4000. 

Next, go into the hotkey setting.


You'll want to create a hotkey set that looks like the following image, and then click OK.

hotkey set

Then go into 'Optional Setting' under the 'Common Setting' menu on the left hand side.

Optional Setting

Then head to to 'Key Function' on the 'Optional Setting' menu.

Key Function
You'll want to assign one of your keys to activate 'Hot Key 1'. In this case, we have Pf3 which is that button on top of you radio.
Pf3 Short Key
This can be a long press or a short press, the only thing that matters is your preference. Now click 'OK', and at this point, you should be good to go. Just go ahead and write this back to your radio, and once it's done you can try it out!

Now, if you are done transmitting in a certain talkgroup, you can easily switch to another by pressing the Pf3 button and then keying up your radio which allows you to talk to more QSOs, in less time. Maximize your radio's functionality and ease-of-use with this simple change.
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Jim - April 15, 2022

The second illustration is unreadable and there is no instruction on how to “create a hotkey set that looks like this.” You lost me at that point. Some explanation would be helpful. Remember we are not all fully conversant in DMR

George Carr. (WA5KBH) - April 15, 2022

Searching for the TG disconnect is always a big chore. I will try this short cut Pronto. Thank you so much!

Dennis N5KSF - April 15, 2022

Image is blurred. Cannot read.

Tom Koenig - April 15, 2022

You speak of creating a “hot set “that looks like this. I cannot tell from the picture what that should be typed into that set. Please explain. Thanks. ACØSQ Tom

LARRY - April 15, 2022

“You’ll want to create a hotkey set that looks like the following image, and then click OK”
Great tip BUT I can’t be the only one not able to read the very small image displayed.
is there a video on this procurer, or a way to make the image larger..

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