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How to Duplicate or Export the Codeplug on your DMR Radio

How to Duplicate or Export the Codeplug on your DMR Radio

It's always a good idea to have a backup plan, and that saying still rings true when it comes to DMR. If you are wanting to transfer your codeplug to a different radio, want to export it for backup, or maybe want to share it with a friend, you have stumbled upon the perfect article. Whatever your reasons may be, we wanted to provide a quick guide on how to export your codeplug. 

The first step is to make sure your radio is turned on. Then we're going to plug it in with our CPS programming cable that comes with your specific radio. Go ahead and plug one end of that cable into your computer. Then on the side of the radio you will see a rubber port that we can open and plug the programming cable into the side of the radio.

Now lets hop on the computer. From here we open up the programming software. If you don't have access to this, you can head to our support page here to download it.

Now that our program is open, we want to make sure we can see the radio, and that our computer has recognized it. So now click the 'com port' icon to find your radio, and make sure its connected.

Com Port Option CPS

Once we see that our radio is connected, we will click
 'OK', which will look like this.

Com Port Recoginize Radio OK

At this point, we want to 'read from radio', so go ahead and click the computer icon button that says "read from radio" in the top left corner.

Read From Radio Button Top Left Corner

You will see a dialogue box that pops up and gives you the option to 'Read From Radio', and says 'Do you wish to continue'. To this we will select 'OK'.

Read data from radio. Do you wish to continue?

Then you will see another box, that gives you the option to choose either other data or digital contact list. Most likely, you want to also include the digital contact list because that's going to include all your contacts. But if you just want to store the rest of the information today, you can just select 'other data'. Then go ahead and click 'OK'. After a short loading box, you should see 'Read Data Completed'.

Now that we have our codeplug loaded into the CPS, there's a couple options we have to choose from. We can go up to file, then save as, then just make sure to properly name, and then save your codeplug in a location you will remember on your computer. 

This is perfect for backing up your radio and a great way to save that codeplug. This will be in the AnyTone format, which you can easily re-import into your radio. You may also have a friend who has the same radio and same software version as you. In that case, you can actually give this file to them and they can use it too. 

If you ever want to switch to a different kind of radio like our mobile radio and you want to export your codeplug to use on that, it's a very similar process.

So we're going to go up to the tools option, and then 'export'. 

Tool Export

Then you want to click on 'export all' on the next pop-up box. You can choose to export just a specific part of it but most likely you will want to export all. 

Export All

We would always recommend you create a folder for these files on your computer, otherwise you're going to end up with a lot of different files in random places.

Go ahead and save this file into your newly created folder, and click 'yes' on the export box which looks like this.

This process exports all of that data into .csv files. There will also be a .lst file which compiles everything. This process allows these files to work when importing them onto a different radio, such as one of your other AnyTone radios.

Keep in mind, if you want this to work on other AnyTone radios, you'll have to keep all those files together, so you can reference that .lst file when you import it into your next radio. Be sure to keep those files together and don't separate them and you should be good to go when duplicating or exporting the codeplug on your DMR Radio.

Looking for our Ultra Codeplug or Super Codeplug? Click on either for more info.
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Hoyt Herron - April 15, 2022

Very informative thanks &# N4LBH Sam

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