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Hamfest At Home 4-Day Flash Sale: Save up to $450 on Top Hamfest deals without leaving home! (Ends Feb 10th)

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BridgeCom Systems Donates Repeater System to Missouri S&T HAM Club

BridgeCom Systems Donates Repeater System to Missouri S&T HAM Club

WØEEE Ham Radio Club and BridgeCom Systems

On our recent trip to Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO., we were able to meet most of the members of the WØEEE College HAM Radio Club as we were able to donate a new DMR repeater to the School. Ron Kochanowicz, KCØQVT (our CEO and alumni of Missouri S&T) has a special connection with today's youth who wish to pursue training in the technical and engineering fields. He was especially wanting to establish contact with today's students back at the university, as many of them may decide to get involved in the radio and communications industry. From the looks of things, Missouri S&T University is literally everything a young tech student would want when it comes to furthering their education in the technical or engineering fields. Not many colleges have the kind of Amateur Radio resources which Rolla offers their student body. A few students we met even claimed that the things they learned in the WØEEE club were a great asset to them in their day to day engineering studies. There is nothing like a hands-on application to further your understanding of the technical field. WØEEE gives students just that.


The WØEEE club has an entire small classroom devoted to their campus HAM radio station and repeater. They have everything from state-of-the-art HF equipment, older equipment, and handheld radios (on loan to the students with HAM licenses). Almost all of the equipment is donated to them from individuals, companies, and other clubs. We were able to view their filing cabinet where they have kept a full set of station logs dating back to when the club was founded in 1931. We were also able to spend some quality time there at the university and have dinner with several of the club members at a local restaurant. One thing is certain: the art of HAM radio will indeed live on due to the enthusiasm and devotion of quality young minds like the ones we met in Rolla. It is our hope that some of these fine young people might join our team here at BridgeCom one day. 

A special thank you to:






for having us...

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William Hancock - March 23, 2020

You did a valuable deed for their club and the radio service in general. TNX. Next time you look for a spot for a good deed, give us a look…The Fayette County Technical Rescue Team in Fayette County, Tennessee . Better yet, take a look at our website, which gives the whole scoop. We are 100% volunteer, all members are ex firefighters, emts, or otherwise long time term emegency services personnel, including 5 hams http://technicalrescueteam.com

Joseph D Zaks - March 23, 2020

Great job folks. With the new digital activity (new for this guy licensed about 40 years, learned the code in 1969 in the Air Force) ham radio should be around for a long time to come, as long as we actively introduce and encourage young folks to pursue the hobby. I will receive my first DMR radio from you all on Wednesday – a D878UV – and am ready to fill my Corona down time learning all about it. Thanks for all you do to support the digital community.

T.J. Vandeven - March 23, 2020

Way to go BridgeCom!
Great to hear you are an Alum too.
God Bless. 73

Leo Hogard - March 23, 2020

The W0EEE radio room looks better than the basement room of the Rolla Building, when I was a member of W0EEEwith my call sign as W0YTB.
Thanks Bridgecom for providing additional capability in the form of a DMR Repeater. That is great. 73 from N5DZO

George Dean - March 23, 2020

How come you could donate to this club and not our as we asked to enhance the attendance of our hamfest? We bought a 440 repeater from you and recommend your products. We hold VE exams and encourage both young and old to become ham radio operators and support area activities with public service communications. We would love to advertise your company at our hamfest and pass out advertising. How about some help for our club too!! Thanks! George Dean, WA1JMM, President Piscataquis Amateur Radio Club. I am a member of the ARRL, a sanctioned ARRL VE, and instructor and our club is an ARRL affiliated club. Our August hamfest is sponsored by the ARRL..

Doug Metheny , W1DTM - March 23, 2020

Congratulations BridgeCom for your good will gesture and being such outstanding citizens in the Ham Radio community for reaching out to these students and help keeping their passion alive.

Rev. John Cantrell - March 23, 2020

God Bless you and your Team for what you do for Ham Radio we need to keep Ham Radio Alive around the World, I love DMR it opened a new World for Ham Radio, keep up the good work.

John A Doggett - March 23, 2020

Way to go BridgeCom.

Larry Stewart - March 23, 2020

I would like represent Bridgecom from a San Antonio Base. Resume on LinkedIn and Monster.

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