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7 Common Prepper Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

7 Common Prepper Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

In the world of prepping, there's a whole lot to account for. Food, shelter, tools and training are just the start of the list, so it's easy to see how things are missed here and there, and mistakes are made. While it's easy to forget one little thing, it's important to check your list two, three, and four times to ensure that everything is accounted for and you are as prepared as you possibly can be. You never know when the thing you forget could get you in deep trouble during an emergency situation. In order to avoid that trouble, we've compiled the seven most common mistakes preppers make, and how you can avoid, so you never find yourself rowing up s#!% creek without a paddle.

#1 Failing to Plan

The number one mistake that preppers make is they fail to come up with a complete plan, or they don't plan at all. This first mistake covers a pretty wide range of possible planning failures but it's a very important first step and is one that should be taken seriously if you consider yourself a true prepper. Failing to plan is failing to be prepared, and when you fail to be prepared, you aren't fulfilling your role as a prepper to be prepared and ready for. Planning ahead is vital to emergency situations so a great way to ensure you have planned ahead is to create a checklist. Start thinking about what you truly need as a prepper and knock things off your checklist day-by-day. Emphasize that this list covers everything you need to do to be ready, and make sure you take the steps to complete the tasks on your list. Keeping a log and/or checklist are great ways to keep yourself on track and keep up the planning process so you don't stop short.

#2 Not Practicing Your Plan

Just compiling the materials you will need or deeply researching a plan is not enough. You also need to ensure you and your family practice your plan in different situations so you can be ready in any emergency scenario. Whenever these types of situations occur, it’s almost guaranteed that something will go wrong or something will not go according to plan. Practice ensures that you can follow your plan as close as possible to know what to do when things don’t go exactly as expected. That way, when things go awry, you've already discussed the best course of action outside of your plan. Your family members should be completely informed and always up-to-date on the plan, as well as any changes, so everyone is on the same page and your plan is most effective.

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3. Not Having Adequate Supplies

This may seem like an obvious one, but it's a common prepper mistake that can be detrimental. Having adequate supplies stocked up not only provides peace of mind, but it also ensures you are properly equipped. It could be a natural disaster, a nuclear explosion or possible invasion. It’s impossible to tell what scenario you will be in or how long you will be in it, so having a calculated, and intentional supply is key. It’s also important to make sure that you have the appropriate amount of each thing. Stocking up on food is a good idea, but if you don’t have the water to accompany it, your priorities are skewed and your supplies will suffer for it. Build your list and take into account what you will need and how many, and don’t underestimate what it will take for both you and your family to get through this. Compile your list, check it two and three times, and ensure you are adequately equipped.

4. Inadequate knowledge

There is so much to know when you are living a prepping lifestyle. And when you’re in a emergency situation you'll want to equip yourself with as much knowledge as you can. In this type of situation, it’s possible that there is no longer Internet or any other resources to use to search for questions and answers that you might have. That’s why it’s important to learn now while you have time to be prepared, or to get prepared for what may be ahead. Find a prepping mentor if possible and do an extensive amount of research on various scenarios so you know exactly how to handle them. You might not know what kind of scenario you will be in, so a vast amount of knowledge for any survivalist scenario will be key. You should know the basics, but you should also have a deeper understanding of many techniques and other types of information that could be vital to your survival chances.

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5. Sharing Supplies or Information with Everyone

Survival scenarios are one time when it’s perfectly OK to be selfish. As exciting as it is to get new survival gear or a big shipment of equipment or food that could be handy down the road, it’s important you don’t share this information with nosy neighbors or passing acquaintances that may be able to take advantage of your preparedness. Although normally it’s not a good thing to be selfish or self-serving, right now you need to do what’s best for you and your family because in many cases, it’s every man for themselves. Your neighbors or neighborhood may be as friendly as ever normally, but you have no way of knowing how they will act during a situation where you are the one with the supplies and they are the ones struggling to survive. Things can get dicey, so the only people you should trust is your immediate family and people that you truly know would never cause you any harm. Sharing extensive prepping information outside of your immediate network could possibly make you a target in the right situation so keep your this information to yourself, and give you and your family the best chance to survive, and the lowest risk of danger.

6. Procrastinating

The list of things you need to prep for is long, and can be overwhelming. When things get overwhelming don’t stop or give up. Realize that what you’re doing right now is one of the most important things you can do for your future. Procrastinating will only cause you to be less prepared and could cause you to be completely off your guard when things go south. You can save yourself from procrastination by creating the checklist that we discussed earlier, and knocking things off this checklist weekly. This is a great way to stay on track. Then, revise the checklist each week to think about opportunities where you could be better prepared. Procrastination is the enemy of a prepper and the longer you wait, the more exposed you are for the time being. Don't get caught in the middle of an unexpected situation.

7. Focusing on One Aspect

Another area where people get in hot water is that they focus on one aspect of prepping and don’t take into account all the different aspects that need to be thought through and prepped for. As I mentioned earlier, a large supply of food is great, but if you don’t have large storage bins, large amounts of water, or a effective purification system, this food could be excessive, unbalanced, or spoiled by the time it comes in handy. If you have hundreds of guns but are unprepared to build a shelter, those guns have a higher chance of being stolen, and will not be able to keep you warm at night. You have all the supplies in the world to treat a wound, but if you don’t possess the knowledge to treat it safely and properly, your supplies are useless. Focusing too much on one aspect can you leave you completely exposed to other elements that may be just as important. Keep a good balance between all the things you will need and all the knowledge you possess, because lacking in one area creates a situation that may cause you to be inadequately prepared.

It’s easy to see how someone can make these common prepping mistakes, but it’s also easy to reflect on what mistakes you might be making so you can correct them now before you end up unprepared and off your guard. When you actively plan, ensure you have the appropriate amount of materials, practice your plan, and inform the right people around you of your plan, you can avoid these common mistakes and ensure when the worst happens, you’re ready to take it on. Review these seven common mistakes, recognize where you could do better, and make preparations now, and you’ll be ready to take on whatever situation the world throws at you next.

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