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🌞 Soak Up the Sun with Weekly Summer Deals Starting July 9th! >> 🌞
🌞 Soak Up the Sun with Weekly Summer Deals Starting July 9th! >> 🌞

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A Few New Ham Radio Podcasts By K0NR

I'm always looking for new information and resources.  Today I came across 's blog with links to audio podcasts that I really enjoyed.  Please have a read and enjoy like I did! - Tim

Listening to podcasts has been part of my daily habit for almost a decade. I lean heavily towards audio podcasts (as opposed to video), so I can listen to them while driving. My smartphone is always loaded with hours of content on a variety of topics which is especially useful for international flights.

Podcasts come and go (or podfade) and recently I’ve noticed a few new ham radio podcasts. Well, they might not be all that new…perhaps I just woke up and noticed them. Anyway, I am passing them along in case you have not come across them.

For the rest of the blog click on the link below.

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