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How to Transfer Codeplugs from AnyTone Handhelds to Mobiles

How to Transfer Codeplugs from AnyTone Handhelds to Mobiles

If you use AnyTone radios or are looking to upgrade to an AnyTone 578 mobile from your handheld, there’s probably going to be a time when you want to import in your existing codeplug. You’ll probably think to yourself, “I can just use the same codeplug on my handheld for my 578”. However, because these radios offer different bands, it’s a little more difficult than you’d think. So today, we’ll walk you through how to import your codeplug, from either your AnyTone handheld or mobile so you can get back on the air!

If you’re looking to upgrade your codeplug, but don’t have time to sit down and spend your day staring at your CPS. Don’ t worry. Here at BridgeCom, we crafted an exclusive codeplug we like to call the Super Codeplug that will help you avoid spending hours programming your radio.

Super Codeplug →

Previous article DMR vs. Ham Radio - What's the Big Difference?


Dave Harris - September 2, 2021

Thanks. This will getting uniform code plugs for our group much easier.

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