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🌞 Soak Up the Sun with Weekly Summer Deals Starting July 9th! >> 🌞
🌞 Soak Up the Sun with Weekly Summer Deals Starting July 9th! >> 🌞

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HamCation Special Announcement!

HamCation Special Announcement!

HamCation 2020 is starting here in Orlando and we couldn't be more excited to celebrate with you.

So, through HamCation weekend February 7th-9th, we will be selling all AnyTone (868, 878, 878PLUS) HTs with a FREE Nagoya NA-701 Antenna.

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 View HamCation Collection -


Previous article Can You Use the Hotspot You Already Own With Your 878?


MArvin COle - February 26, 2020

Are the bundle restock yet.

Bob Crean - February 10, 2020

Hi all.
I’m exchanging my 878uv for the 878 plus.
Hasn’t shipped yet. Any way I can snag that Nagoya? Pleeease?🙏

Michael Papin - February 10, 2020

’m new so please forgive my ignorance. What exactly is DMR? Tnx — Mike.

Gil Weiss - February 10, 2020

Hello Ron,
I want to tell you and your staff what a fine organizoation you have. I really appreciate everyone’s recent efforts in getting me up and operating on DMR.

I purchased the “ AnyTone AT-D878UV Plus DMR Radio, a dual band DVMEGA Hotspot and Programmed Plug and Play Package” from BridgeCom Systems. To say I’m thoroughly pleased with my purchase and your support would be an understatement. The radio is up and running and I am very pleased with the DMR mode. I made my first contact a few days ago and the feeling reminded me of my first CW contact as a Novice in 1977!

You probably know I had a shipping issue with UPS which appears to be resolved as of yesterday. Savannah is a great customer service and support person. Elaine and Mackenzie also helped me out.

Special thanks to Cody, W3AMG; for the videos on Bridgecom Universtiy and Sebastian, KBØTTL, for his halp and videos on how to program my analog repeaters into my AT878UV Plus using the CPS software.

Ron, you have an excellent team at Bridgecom Systems and I totally recommend your company to anyone requiring the products you offer.

73" de K3GIL
Gil Weiss
Bensalem, PA

Pat KJ4PT - February 10, 2020

MAN! I bought my radio 2 days too early! Hope your show goes well!

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