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VFO stands for Variable Frequency Oscillator. With VFO mode, you can tune your radio to any frequency you desire.
In today's video Sebastian, KBØTTL will walk you through the entire process of adding a VFO memory channel to an AnyTone 878 Plus.
Now that you know how to add VFO channels to memory, are you ready to start making contacts around the world?
Are you wondering how to add a VFO channel to memory mode? Good, because that's what we're covering today. This is Sebastian, KB0TTL, with BridgeCom Systems. Today, I'm going to walk you through the process of adding a VFO memory channel to your AnyTone 878 Plus. Why would you want to do this? Well, you're going to be on the fly. You're not always going to be in front of a computer where you have CPS to plug in, and program in a channel. You're going to want to go ahead, and enter in a frequency, a frequency pair, maybe a local digital repeater, maybe a local analog repeater, and you're going to want to go ahead and enter it in as a memory channel. All right, I'm just going to check my entries here. I shouldn't be able to key up. This is Kilo, Bravo, Zero, Tango, Tango, Lima. Radio Playback: This is Kilo, Bravo, Zero, Tango, Tango, Lima.
All right, so now we got it on Parrot. Now, we're just going to go ahead and save the channel here in menu. All right, so now we need to select and save our channel. The last occupied channel is number 165. I checked in CPS software before I brought it out here. The next available channel is 166, so we're going to go ahead and save this channel.
Okay, settings, channel settings, and a new channel. I guess I had already entered it 166, but I can backspace out of this if I want, I believe. I'm just going to tell it again, 166. I want to confirm. I can enter a name if I like. I can put Parrot if I want, and confirm. Can edit it at any of these zones here. Just to show you that I have saved my channel, I'm going to go into my zone, back to memory mode, and in my NOAA zone there is now a Parrot channel saved. That's how you're going to go from VFO to memory on a digital channel in a zone, and make connection.
Today, we showed you every step in adding a VFO channel to memory with AnyTone 878 Plus. Again, this is Sebastian KB0TTL from BridgeCom Systems. Have a wonderful day, and 73.
Other videos on VFO Mode you may be interested in:
How to Switch from Dual to Single VFO Mode
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