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Technician License Study Resources

Technician License Study Resources

As someone who is seriously thinking about getting my Technician License, there are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. Where do I start? Who do I talk to? What kind of resources are out there?

Many experienced Hams know that this is a 35 question written exam. This allows you to access All VHF/UHF Amateur bands, which are frequencies above 30 MHz and includes limited operations in certain HF bands. But before you can take any sort of test, you need to make sure you are well-prepared, and have studied hard for your first exam, especially if you are newer to the radio world. 

Here are study materials we've compiled from all across the web with great resources to study for your Technician's License, to make sure you are ready to walk out of there with an A+.

BridgeCom Website - Amateur Radio License Test Study Resources

There are multiple study material links you will see in the Amateur Radio License Test Study portion under the resources tab on the BridgeCom Website.

Just head to bridgecomsystems.com and then look for the resources tab at the top of the page. That drop down list will include the list of radio license resources and includes FREE resources such as HamExam.org and HamStudy.org. It also includes options for paid resources like the W5YI GroupHamRadioPrep, and HamTestOnline.

All the above sites include things such as test scheduling information, flash cards, practice exams and question pools. There should be plenty in that study resources section to get started. Check out those sites above and see which one will work best for you. You have options!

ARRL - American Radio Relay League

The ARRL stands for the American Radio Relay League, and is also the National Association for Amateur Radio. They have tons of valuable information on their website, and they are one of the true authorities when it comes to radio licensing. 

They suggest purchasing the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 4th edition to help you pass the Technician's Class exam. They also provide a study guide with questions similar to what would be present on your actual test. 

Through ARRL, you also have the option to use the study manual with the ARRL Exam Review function, to review things chapter by chapter.

Check out the Technician Question Pool to download or print your question pool for easy studying, or use their Find a Class Feature if you want to find more of an in-person learning experience.

As you can see, ARRL is one of the best resources when it comes to getting your first Amateur Radio License. Head to ARRL's main Technician License Page for a great bird's-eye view on all their resources.


HamStudy is another great resource when it comes to preparing for your Technician's License, or really any other Ham Radio License. As you will see when you open up the site, you will see each type of Amateur Radio License Exam, including the Technician exam (2018-2022), Technician exam (2022-2026), General Exam, and Amateur Extra exam.

Just choose which one you would like to study for and click on it. Then you will have the option to go into 'Study Mode', Read Questions from the exam, or take a practice test. Keep in mind that both Study Mode and Practice Test require you to make an account, but this is FREE, and is well worth the quick investment to take unlimited practice tests. Head to Ham Study's App Stope Page if you would like to have study materials at the tip of your fingers on your cellphone.

They also have a general questions section that answers FAQ's and other questions like 'How do I get licensed?'. Ham Study is simple and easy-to-use, yet effective, and could be the perfect place to start your studies.

HamTest Online

Ham Test Online provides online amateur radio courses for Ham Radio Licensing Exams, which use the actual exam questions and answers. This program also tracks your progress and integrates an algorithm that encourages you to study questions you have missed more often, rather than the ones you continuously get right. 

Ham Test Online does appear to cost 29.95 for the basic Technician's License course, but they also offer an 100% money-back guarantee if you fail the test after studying, or aren't completely satisfied with their service. You can also try your first 50 questions out for FREE.

Although it does cost if you really want to explore inside Ham Test Online to take their Technician's course, it seems like a really solid resource for studying for your test. Knowing the questions you study are directly from the test with an 100% money-back guarantee all but ensure your success when it comes time to pass your Technician's Exam.

Ham Radio Prep

Ham Radio Prep is another great paid resource you can use when your studying for your Technician's Exam. It appears that they have you study in a little different way by watching instructional videos. Also, once you purchase a course, you have lifetime access to that course, so you are free to study on your own time.

There are also other ways to study through Ham Radio Prep, through unlimited practice tests, real ham radio examples, and matching games and flashcards. You can purchase the Technician License Course for $35 or purchase a combo of the Technician and General License for $49. Ham Radio Prep also gives the guarantee of your money back should you not pass the exam after studying their courses. Ham Radio Prep seems to be formatted in a bit more structured way, with video courses that seem to be the driving factor through the course. Check out their Technician's License Course here for more information to see if this might be the right option for you.

If you are thinking about getting your technician's license or even your general or amateur extra license, it's important you find the perfect study resource for your test. While FREE study resource sites offer everything you will need and probably more, the paid resources seem to be a little more structured for those that want more of a roadmap when it comes to their studies. Remember, you also have the option to purchase a study book from ARRL, or any other credible ham radio licensing outlet. No matter how you learn best, the perfect study resource is out there for you. Hopefully this list has helped you narrow down your study resource options so you can ace your upcoming licensing exam.

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Robert KK7DSO - April 15, 2022

I used the Ham Radio Prep to pass my Technician Level License. It was easy thanks to the question pool and lessons that allowed me to become familiar with the information.

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