🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀
🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀

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BridgeCom Official Blog

  • The Most Exciting Era in Amateur Radio -- the Merging of Radio with Computer/Internet Technology by Reg, VE7IG
    March 14, 2018 Daniel Kochanowicz

    The Most Exciting Era in Amateur Radio -- the Merging of Radio with Computer/Internet Technology by Reg, VE7IG

    We are now in one of the most exciting, if not the most exciting, eras in amateur radio. This is due to the successful merging of radio with computer technology (including internet). So many new things are happening all at the same time. Some have been around for a while but are just now seeing usage peaking way up. One of these is IRLP. Most repeater systems have a standalone IRLP node where, as long as the internet is up, you can talk to hams around the world through your local repeater.

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  • Dayton Hamvention 2017 Reflection
    May 31, 2017 Tim King

    Dayton Hamvention 2017 Reflection

    What can I say about Dayton Hamvention 2017 other than WOW! It had everything; Great venue, 30,000 of your favorite ham radio friends, great vendors, Rain, Rain, and more Rain, good food, great buys, mud and on-site camping. Did I...

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  • At BridgeCom Quality and Customer Service is not Lost
    May 26, 2017 Tim King

    At BridgeCom Quality and Customer Service is not Lost

    I had an interesting exchange over email with a potential customer recently. I believe it perfectly illustrates BridgeCom's commitment to quality products and industry leading customer service. Please enjoy, and if you have questions let me know.Regards,TimCustomer:Hello...Came across your page...

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  • Press Release: BCM-144 & BCM-440 Mobile Radios
    April 24, 2017 Tim King

    Press Release: BCM-144 & BCM-440 Mobile Radios

    April 24, 2017BridgeCom Systems, IncPhone: (816)532-8451 E-Mail: tim@BridgeComSystems.comContact: Tim KingPress Release: NEW BCM-144 & BCM-440 Mobile Radios Now Shipping________________________________________________________________________BridgeCom Systems, Inc is pleased to announce the availability of BCM-144 and BCM-440 Mobile Radio for the amateur radio market. The join...

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  • Amateur Radio Linking Explained
    April 20, 2017 Tim King

    Amateur Radio Linking Explained

    Amateur Linking What is amateur radio linking and why is it so important, necessary, or just plain fun? Let's say you want to set up a repeater at Hamvention and talk to the group back home. How is that possible?...

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  • K1PQ Repeater 70cm Install and Club
    April 14, 2017 Tim King

    K1PQ Repeater 70cm Install and Club

    Hello BridgeCom, Our original 444.950 repeater was an old Motorola unit setup and operated by N1BUG. It worked but required too much time and attention. Our club voted to continue operations on 444.950 so we bought the BridgeCom and now...

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  • International Crystal Manufacturing Going Out of Business - from ARRL
    March 17, 2017 Tim King

    International Crystal Manufacturing Going Out of Business - from ARRL


    International Crystal Manufacturing (ICM) of Oklahoma City has announced that it will be going out of business, probably at the end of May. Royden Freeland Jr., W5EMH, son of the company’s founder, posted a letter this week on the ICM website. 

    Radio Crystals in Box

    “We will be honoring all orders that we have already taken and will be able to fill a limited amount of new orders dependent upon raw materials available,” Freeland said. “We would like to thank you for your past business. The success of ICM over the previous 66 years has been largely due to its amazing customer base.”

    International Crystal produces RF control devices — quartz crystals, oscillators, QCM crystals, filters, TCXOs/VCTCXOs, and precision crystals.

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  • BridgeCom Systems New BCD Series Duplexers
    November 22, 2016 Tim King

    BridgeCom Systems New BCD Series Duplexers

    November 14, 2015BridgeCom Systems, IncPhone: (816)532-8451 E-Mail: tim@BridgeComSystems.comContact: Tim KingFor Immediate ReleaseIntroducing the NEW BCD Duplexers by BridgeCom Systems________________________________________________________________________BridgeCom Systems, Inc is pleased to announce the availability of the BCD line of duplexers for the amateur and commercial radio markets....

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  • Receiver Desense Testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O From Repeater-Builder.com
    September 9, 2016 Tim King

    Receiver Desense Testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O From Repeater-Builder.com

    Receiver desense testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O


    Due to the inability of certain people to communicate properly and understand all the aspects of site testing this page was created to read, compare notes and build on for the benefit of all. Human communication, comprehension and understanding problems is beyond the scope of this document, however the reader should keep these problems in mind when dealing with site issues and interfacing with other companies and government Agencies. Misunderstandings, bogus readings, log entries, technician and management diagnostics and plan of actions for problem solving are commonly mis-directed with considerable time and expense wasted in the wrong direction of efforts. This can lead to the general desensitation (pun intended) and poor attitude of the workforce in most any private company or government in the technical (repair) field around this country. Fortunately, there still is a handful of technicians that care to understand what the problem is and the proper way to solve, or at least, reduce the symptoms to an acceptable figure. If you are reading this it's most like you are in one of the latter. This is a good thing.

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