🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀
🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀

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Beginner’s Guide to GMRS Repeaters

Beginner’s Guide to GMRS Repeaters

How Do You Protect Communication Systems For Your Community In An Unstable Environment? A GMRS Repeater. 

When times are as crazy as these, effective communication becomes a must. But what’s the best way to ensure coms never break down for you?

Today, we discuss with you the most important reasons for choosing a General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) repeater so you can finally have total ownership over your communication systems.

Check out our Favorite Repeater for GMRS

What Is A Repeater?

A repeater is a two-way radio frequency communication system which receives a frequency from portable two-way radios, and re-transmits it at another frequency in real-time. This mechanism allows repeaters to broadcast to a much wider reception spectrum. It acts as a communication device which links between two radio operators to cover a large area. Essentially, you can communicate with other radio operators at farther distances.

GMRS is a licensed radio service, that uses the channels 462 MHz and 467 MHz. GMRS is commonly used for short-distance, two-way voice communications using hand-held radios, mobile radios and of course, repeater systems.

Why Do You Need A GMRS Repeater?

GMRS repeaters do require a license to operate, but unlike in amateur radio, you don't have to take a test. So if you’re not a good test taker, you can breathe a little easier knowing that. Once you have your license, your close/immediate family will be allowed to transmit with the repeater. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand this and risk putting themselves in a situation with devices unfit for crisis situations.

Compared to smartphones and other devices requiring frequent charging, delicate care, and cell towers, repeaters are far more reliable. During emergency situations, the last thing you want to think about is if you are going to need to find a better signal. Imagine needing to communicate your location for a medical emergency to a fellow teammate and coming to the realization that you are out of service because of a damaged powerline. This happens constantly during storms and natural disasters and could easily happen to you if you are not well prepared. The only problem you should have to worry about is the problem right in front of you. You should never have to worry about your equipment’s reliability.

Investing in a GMRS repeater takes the uncertainty and pressure out of preparing for the worst. For extra safety, we recommend using our Tram-Browning UHF (70cm) Aluminum Base Antenna. This antenna will help you maximize your radios range which can be especially useful for those of you living on multiple acres. By utilizing GMRS communications, you will be giving yourself that extra safety net from environmental disasters.

What Do Our Customers Say?

“The price point for these repeaters allow small Ham clubs or big ones to replace older repeaters with new equipment. I use it for a GMRS repeater here at home on a 100 foot tower. We use it for family and friends communications as well as E-Coms. With the set up I have we regularly get about 25 to 30 miles coverage with some variances due to terrain.” - Darris Whitley.

Check out our Favorite Repeater for GMRS

Schedule A Call

Now you know the most important reasons behind why you need a GMRS repeater system. Here at BridgeCom Systems, we will provide you an affordable, tailored, turnkey repeater system the perfect for emergency communication. The result is a reliable system that gives you total freedom from relying on other communication systems. If you need further assistance selecting your repeater systems call us at (816)-532-8451.

Fill out our Repeater Interest Form Here!

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Richard Taylor - April 15, 2022

General cost for repeater

Kevin - April 15, 2022

are your repeater fcc type excepted for use on GMRS there seems to be quite a lot of talk about what you can and cant use for making a GMRS repeater,
recently i was thinking on building out a GMRS repeater using two Kenwood tk780s and was told by someone that i could build it however those radios are not FCC type excepted for use on GMRS… can you clear any of this up with me?? thank you Kevin

Robert Redoutey - September 2, 2021

How much are the GMRS repeaters?

Clifford Gene Henthorne - August 27, 2021

KG4RRZ, and WPQS447
Looking for a repeater that will do dual mode (Analog and Motorola P25 Digital)
If the BCR-40 DU will ever do dual mode (analog and Motorola P25 digital) please let me know as I want to replace a Motorola Quantar that does both analog, and P25.

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