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🌞 Soak Up the Sun with Weekly Summer Deals Starting July 9th! >> 🌞
🌞 Soak Up the Sun with Weekly Summer Deals Starting July 9th! >> 🌞

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100 Watts And A Wire Episode 155 - BridgeCom Interview.

100 Watts And A Wire Episode 155 - BridgeCom Interview.

"On this episode, it's Field Day! We talk about this great event and remind you to stay safe, hydrated and to have fun. Plus, the backstory on the recent photo posted on social media. Some people thought K0STH ate a squirrel. Others, a human liver. Raspberry Pi? We also learn a little more about DMR. All of this and more on this edition of 100 Watts and a Wire."  -Synopsis of the episode.

The BridgeCom Systems interview starts at 17:30, but by all means, listen to the full show. 

Click HERE to listen to the episode 


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