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Lake Washington Ham Club Installs New BCR-220 Repeater

Lake Washington Ham Club Installs New BCR-220 Repeater

The new BridgeCom Systems BCR-220 Repeater went in recently and seems to have great range.  One report said as much as 70 miles from the repeater site.

Don said, "Yeah, we have a great location. Our repeaters are on top of a 500-foot hill, with the antennas on 120-foot tower. We share a location with some city-owned equipment, which have diesel backup generators, and we get power from those generators if the mains go down. It is a pretty sweet setup."

BCR-220 Repeater Lake Washington Ham ClubWell it sure looks great in the rack and I'm sure you will enjoy it for years to come! Here are the specs if you are in the area.  

220Mhz Repeater: Analog
Output Frequency: 224.36 MHz
Offset: -1.6 MHz
PL Tone: 103.5 Hz
Output Power: 30 watts
Antenna: Decibel Products 4-bay Dipole Array
(NOTE: The 220MHz repeater is *NOT* linked to any of the other repeaters) 

Location: Kirkland, WA – Rose Hill neighborhood, elevation approximately 500 feet above sea level.
All antennas are on a 120-foot tower.
Repeaters are equipped with diesel generator emergency power.
Coverage area: Central Puget Sound Basin: Everett to Federal Way, and the western slopes of the Cascades to the west side of the Kitsap Peninsula.

The Lake Washington Ham Club has other repeaters up in the area too. You can find out more information about their repeaters and other club information at their web site, www.lakewashingtonhamclub.org

The Lake Washington Ham Club - Creating a community of amateur HAM radio operators of all ages!

If you need information about a BridgeCom BCR Repeater click here.

Lake Washington Ham Club BCR-220 Repeater Install

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