February 6, 2020
Blake Haley
John KC9AMA succeeds in DMR with our DVMEGA Package! You can too!
Ron, just want to write and express to you, your staff and your company, my sincere thanks and appreciation for everything you do. From sales, training and support.
Recently, I purchase the “ AnyTone AT-D878UV DMR Radio + DUAL Band DVMEGA Hotspot Programmed Plug and Play Package” from BridgeCom Systems. To say I’m thoroughly pleased with my purchase and support would be an understatement.
Special thanks to Daniel, NØREY; Cody, W3AMG; and Sebastian, KBØTTL for making my purchase truly enjoyable and rewarding. With very helpful and informative “How To” videos and training, I was able to be successful in the setup and operation of the AT-878UV right at the start. Many fun and fascinating QSO’s were accomplished.
Again, thanks Ron and Team. Keep up the excellence you provide.
John F. Cribbett, KC9AMA
Auburn, Illinois
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