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Jason Goeschs Story

Jason Goeschs Story

We wanted to share this story with the community.


“Last fall I got diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS. So I am trying to do as much with my kids as I can. The old micor repeater we had was damaged by lightening that came in on the AC mains through the power supply. So that's why we got the BridgeCom repeater. I am no longer able to speak except with a voice app on my phone so the link to the other repeaters will allow my son to talk to other hams including his Grandpa AD0ED in Vermillion South Dakota. The repeater we are linking to is by Springfield, SD which is linked to Yankton and Springfield. This repeater, although doesn't get used much, has been a great opportunity to spend time with my son. My 13-year-old Son, (KE0SVL), son just got his General and has been having fun with HF. He decided he wanted to climb towers (with proper safety gear) so today he went to the top of the tower to turn the corner reflector towards the other repeater we are linking to. 


Jason, KC0HMN”

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