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Why is the AnyTone 878 Plus the Best Radio to Get Started in DMR?

Why is the AnyTone 878 Plus the Best Radio to Get Started in DMR?

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Every Ham has been there. You are frantically trying to find that radio that can transform your radio experience. Your analog radio is doing ok, but it's not providing you with the same connections and conversations you once had. You connect with other Hams occasionally, but it's just not what it was like growing up, and even when you do make one, it's like pulling teeth trying to maintain a quality signal. You've tried dipping your toes into DMR and digital modes, but using those radios to make a QSO is an entirely different matter.

It's even worse when you're trying to buy a digital radio. You feel overwhelmed with all of the terms and complicated jargon about what each radio does and if it's right for you, and the instructions are even more maddening.

So where is there left to go? 

It's time you met the AnyTone 878 Plus.

The AnyTone 878 Plus is the single best—most user-friendly—radio for transferring over into DMR.  The AnyTone 878 Plus is designed for the owner to have a seamless Digital Mobile Radio experience. The flush buttons and 1.77-inch color TFT Screen with a selectable dual channel display interface gives a clear understanding of how to use your radio. 

The handheld has strong power output. With 6.0W, 4.0W, 2.5W, 1.0W selectable TX power output, you'll have an easy time reaching a repeater. No giant antenna is required, but we recommend using our high-gain antennas if you want to have some extra range.

By only pressing a button on your radio, you can smoothly transition back and forth from DMR to Analog. This feature is super handy for when you're just getting started with learning how your DMR handheld works. Your 878 Plus also comes with dual-band functions allowing you to monitor VHF and UHF frequencies. This way you can switch between the more active band in your area.

All 878 Plus’ come with built-in roaming and APRS capable functionality. APRS gives you the freedom to monitor amateur radioactivity in your local area with pinpoint accuracy.

Many Hams know the difference between enjoying their radio and having a dull experience falls on the shoulders of how active their talk group is. With the AnyTone 878 Plus, you can put up to 10,000 talkgroups and 4,000 different channels. That means your radio will be talking to you all day long!

Every 878 Plus from BridgeCom Systems is transmission-tested before shipping for maximum quality assurance. This process perfects each radio, ensuring every user has a radio that works out of the box. 

Our 878 Plus has a 1-year warranty. With readily available firmware updates and quick response tech support, servicing your radio will never be a problem. 

Many radios in the market leave their users puzzled and clueless on how to use them, but we here at BridgeCom assure you success with BridgeCom University. This course includes everything you need to know to grow your knowledge and ultimately master your radio. You'll learn from expert tutorials, guides, and streams so you can quickly understand the functions of your radio.

Whether you're a radio veteran or a beginner just finding your start in radio, the AnyTone 878 Plus—our most popular digital handheld radio—will completely reinvigorate your radio experience. With the AnyTone 878 Plus, you'll have a bottomless well of Hams eager to hear your stories and adventures. Get the DMR radio that makes all other radios look second-rate. Click below to order your AnyTone 878 Plus today! Thanks again for watching. I’m Cody, W3AMG, with BridgeCom Systems, 73.  

Shop AnyTone 878 Plus →

Previous article DMR vs. Ham Radio - What's the Big Difference?


Mike Bragg - April 16, 2021

Love your products, and your website! Good people helping also!!!!!!!!!!

John Stein - August 26, 2021

One of these days I will own one. Until then I’ll just watch the videos.. Ty

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