🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀
🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀

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Sebastian, KBØTTL, interviews fellow ham Merrill, KF4SXK.

Sebastian, KBØTTL, interviews fellow ham Merrill, KF4SXK.

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Dean Segal - April 27, 2020

When I was about 7 years ago my grandfather bought me a crystal radio and he saw I was interested in electronics, my grandfather bought me radio shack radio kits, heath kits to keep me busy during my summer vacation, when I was about 14 years old I got my first CB radio base station and loved it I learned how to set it up. 5 years later I joined the Army in 1984 and became a radio operator, when I got out of the Army I studied and got my HAM license and a few years later got my extra. fast forward to 2020
Now I am getting into DMR

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