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Monitoring with Promiscuous Mode

Monitoring with Promiscuous Mode

Sebastian, KBØTTL, explains how to monitor dual time slots with the Promiscuous Mode for the AnyTone radios.

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Hi, I'm Sebastian KBØTTL. Suppose you're monitoring your local digital repeater, and you want to monitor both time slots. You want to monitor the club net and you want to monitor what's going on in your top group. Now you can using the dual-time slot function or promiscuous mode. I'm gonna head over to the computer right now to show you how you can monitor both at the same time or just the time slot of your choosing.

Today we're gonna show you how to set up your radio to do promiscuous mode, that is to monitor both time slots at once, to monitor just one time slot, or to go ahead and turn digital monitoring off. What we're gonna do is program one of our function keys here today, the 578 mobile. We're gonna go ahead and program that function key to toggle this feature on and off, as this is going to be the most practical way of taking care of this issue. Let's go into CPS right now, and let's look at optional settings.

In optional settings we're gonna go ahead and select key function. We're gonna go ahead and select one of our function keys. On the mobile usually P3 is free, and usually we want to go ahead and use P3 long. The difference between short and long is if you push the button for about half of a second you're gonna get the short function. If you push in the P3 button for a couple of seconds you're gonna get the long function. The long functions are typically better as a toggle mode to toggle between it. That is monitoring modes. Note how I have this set to digital monitoring here already on my radio. This can be set to multiple different options. But whichever vacant function key you have on the front of your radio here already, go ahead and switch that, just whatever vacant function key you have on the front of your radio, go ahead and put that over to digital monitor. And then save the settings to your radio. Now when you're using your radio and you push in the P3 key in this case, for a couple of seconds, it's going to go ahead and toggle. It's going to go ahead and either turn your digital monitoring off, turn your digital monitoring to a single time slot that is the current time slot you're on, or monitoring dual-time slot, which is the promiscuous mode, which is both time slots on the repeater. Thank you for watching and happy monitoring. Make sure to hit that "Like" button and subscribe to our YouTube channel, 73!

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Bruno - F5LRG - September 22, 2020

Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for this video.
I’m a beginner using D578.
Adding to the promiscuous mode you’ve described here, could you tell me if it’s also possible to set the radio, or a specific channel, to monitor several talkgroup instead only the one programmed to the actual selected channel?
Best 73
F5LRG, Bruno

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