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How to Make a Contact (QSO) on a Digital Hotspot

How to Make a Contact (QSO) on a Digital Hotspot

 Are you new to digital hotspots?

The SkyBridge Plus is the newest Dual-Band Digital Hotspot from BridgeCom Systems. Besides having a sleek design, this hotspot was created with an intuitive interface to give you a simple and enjoyable DMR experience.

Learn how to make your first Ham radio contact (QSO) with a Digital Hotspot. We'll share with you how easy it is to make a contact (QSO) with a ham radio hotspot in under 5 minutes.

Want to see the full unboxing of the SkyBridge Plus Digital Hotspot?

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Video Transcription:
Hi I'm Sebastian, KB0TTL. Today, I'm going to show you how easy it is to make your first QSO on the new SkyBridge Plus. All right, so now we're going to proceed to the North American talk group which it's usually pretty busy and we will try here for a QSO. We're just going to key in which will join the talk group and then monitor for traffic. So we're now on talk group 93, TG 93 and listening. And because I'm not hearing any conversation going on right now, now's a good time to put my ID out. As you must put your ID out within 10 minutes of keying a talk group. This is KB0TTL, waiting for a call.

Hey. Good morning to you there KB0TTL from K0TDB.

Very good, K0TDB. K0TDB this is KB0TTL. Just testing out our new hotspot here this morning, the new SkyBridge Plus and you're coming in loud and clear here. And I am in the Kansas City area, (Smithville), Missouri here today, K0TDB.

I can't believe that's Sebastian from BridgeCom. I'm out here in central Kansas, Sebastian, how are you doing today?

Doing well. Doing well. Hey, good to hear from you. Yeah, I've got the 878 (AnyTone 878 Plus) here and I'm trying out the new SkyBridge and that is actually what I'm on here right now. I'm not getting much of a bit error rate on this. It's like a 0.01, 0.02. So it's got a pretty good receiver end on it. You've got pretty good audio. What's the audio like on this from your end there? Over.

Full binding perfect. Could not be better, Sebastian, sounds good. Seen you on YouTube 153 times now, but nice to actually get a voice with you on the radio, bud.

All right. So we got K0TDB here. Good to hear you as well and good to see that you've been having a look at the videos there. So what kind of rig are you running there?

Using the 878UV Plus from BridgeCom University. Go ahead.

878UV Plus. Good to hear. Good to hear. Well, it is definitely getting out there this morning. So do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?

Oh, just a very small gathering. Don't want to get too large of a crowd by any means. But going to try to do a few things with a few family members. Hoping you and everybody listening does have a happy and thankful Thanksgiving. Let's try that one more time. But yeah, thanks for asking and it was very nice talking to you, Sebastian.

Very well. Nice talking to you as well. Well, I will definitely say 73 then and I hope to catch you on here. Let's see here, on a less busy time then. Well, this is Sebastian KB0TTL and 73.

73 to you too, my friend. KB0TTL, K0TDB, we'll see you.

All right. This is KB0TTL clear. And once we've cleared to disconnect from our talk group, we're going to go ahead to talk group disconnect and key in.

And now we are clear and no longer receiving calls. All right. So we will just finish filling out this QSO card here. This is via DMR and channel 93 or talk group 93 rather. Okay, so mode is again DMR and we were using just the 70 centimeter band. Megahertz is not really of concern here, although it's 446.525, but 70 centimeter DMR Hotspot. And I'll go ahead and get my UTC here. Today's date is going to be the 25th and we'll get that sent off.

So today we went into the details of making a QSO on the new SkyBridge Plus. We have our QSO card here, which we'll go ahead and get sent off. And again, thank you for watching. This is Sebastian KB0TTL and 73.

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Jim - December 7, 2020

Interesting…first video I’ve watched…will have to investigate further

Carlos Luciano Jiménez - December 7, 2020

Nice Hotspot. I am inlove with it. Lets see if I can get one, hope so, as soon as I can.
73’S de WP3MD.

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