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How to Get a General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) License

How to Get a General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) License

Did you know you can use General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios without having to take an exam? Studying to get your amateur radio license can be time-consuming, but if you only want to communicate with your family, then there’s a solution for you.

Pick up your own FM Radio Repeater in our Latest Repeater Sale! Make sure you know what you want by following Along and Grabbing a Repeater here! www.bridgecomsystems.com/pages/repeater-sale-2024 

Today we're going to share with you how easy it is to get yourself an FCC GMRS license including forms, fees, so you can get yourself and your family on the air.

FCC FRN Registration →

FCC License Manager →


Pick up your own FM Radio Repeater in our Latest Repeater Sale! Make sure you know what you want by following Along and Grabbing a Repeater here! www.bridgecomsystems.com/pages/repeater-sale-2024 

Previous article How to Program Your Radio for a Digital Repeater


Pamela - September 2, 2021

I have my General class license and GMRS license.

Mike - August 27, 2021

Is there an Internet based radio or hotspot that can be used with gmrs that is similar to dmr?

Eric Oyen - August 27, 2021

GMRS is certainly a nice alternative to Ham radio in some circumstances. You can have your entire family use the radios, so long as they adhere to normal radio procedure (much of it the same as on ham radio, no cussing, no illicit activities, etc). Also, depending on your area, you may or may not have access to several open repeater systems. However, the rule there is this: contact the repeater owner first before using said repeater, or some over the air histrionics might ensue.

Also, depending on your area, there may even be a GMRS repeater net, which would give you the opportunity to contact others. We have such a net here in Arizona and there is even a registration page that will allow you to register and thus be allowed on the net.

So, for any of you looking to get into GMRS, it’s simple.

Oh, and thanks to the guys at Bridgecom SYstems for presentiing this useful article.

Robert Brown - August 27, 2021

VERY GOOD IDEA!!!; to make your ANY TONE radios go from 420-to cover ham bands,
to467.725, to cover ham, and GMRS on ONE radio for convience for radio ops. like me,
who have ham, as well as “GEEMERS”.

KB6OHQ; ham, and GMRS as WQGV 908.

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