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🚨 Limited Time Offer: SAVE $600 on BCR-220 Repeater—Unlock Connectivity for your Ham Club! 🚀

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Complete Guide to Updating the AnyTone AT-D578 DMR Mobile Firmware

Complete Guide to Updating the AnyTone AT-D578 DMR Mobile Firmware

Here is your complete tutorial guide to updating the AnyTone AT-D578 DMR mobile firmware. 

AnyTone AT-D578 Mobile CPS/Firmware →

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frank o'dell - August 27, 2021

I like your instruction videos , however , your demonstrations on screen are to small to see
what you are doing in the way of pushing buttons and showing what we should get as a result of the function you are talking about

frank O’Dell n6fod
David Adams Sr - August 27, 2021

We purchased a Part 90 version of the 578pro from another vendor for a customer. (you did not have). We could not program the radio after the first time. We thought it was the cable or the computer…long story short the usb connector on the radio fell off the pc board. It looks like it was never soldered correctly at the factory. We were going to repair but there is a coating on pc board that would not work out well. Our question is can this be warrantied or can we get a replacement front end control pc board? We would appreciate your help. (ps, purchased 2 mos ago)
Dave Adams Sr (KB2KYW)
Addcom Electronics Inc.
315-278-2001 (cell)

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