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BridgeCom Official Blog

  • Receiver Desense Testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O From Repeater-Builder.com
    September 9, 2016 Tim King

    Receiver Desense Testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O From Repeater-Builder.com

    Receiver desense testing by Karl Shoemaker, AK2O


    Due to the inability of certain people to communicate properly and understand all the aspects of site testing this page was created to read, compare notes and build on for the benefit of all. Human communication, comprehension and understanding problems is beyond the scope of this document, however the reader should keep these problems in mind when dealing with site issues and interfacing with other companies and government Agencies. Misunderstandings, bogus readings, log entries, technician and management diagnostics and plan of actions for problem solving are commonly mis-directed with considerable time and expense wasted in the wrong direction of efforts. This can lead to the general desensitation (pun intended) and poor attitude of the workforce in most any private company or government in the technical (repair) field around this country. Fortunately, there still is a handful of technicians that care to understand what the problem is and the proper way to solve, or at least, reduce the symptoms to an acceptable figure. If you are reading this it's most like you are in one of the latter. This is a good thing.

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  • Duplexer and Repeaters: Basic Information
    May 21, 2015 Tim King

    Duplexer and Repeaters: Basic Information

    Duplexers and Repeaters Some Basic Information BY ROBERT A. LEHNING*, WA2YSJ All across the country there are many amateur repeate  stations operating on 2 meters, 220  and 440 MHz, and to some extent on 1.2 GHz.  Several  modes of operating such as FM, ATV, and packet (digital) have also become...

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