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Hams on Dominica Conduct “Preparedness” Field Day in Advance of Hurricane Season

Hams on Dominica Conduct “Preparedness” Field Day in Advance of Hurricane Season

Members of the Dominica Amateur Radio Club Incorporated (DARCI) held a second field-day-style emergency preparedness, awareness, and recruiting exercise on April 21.

Radio amateurs on the Caribbean island are continuing the process of taking on a larger role in emergency preparedness and response for the Atlantic Hurricane Season, which begins June 1. ...


Read the full article HERE 

If you want be prepared for an emergancy. You need a go to handheld radio. These will help you out:

Anytone AT D868UV Dual-Band DMR Handheld Radio - Dual Band Analog and DMR. 2m and 70cm Band.

BCH-270 Handheld Radio - Dual band analog only. 2m and 70cm band.

BCH-220 Handheld Radio - Single band analog 220mhz/1.25m band. 

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