KB6NU No-Nonsense Study Guides
Get the study guide that makes passing your Amateur Radio License Test EASY! The No-Nonsense Study Guide is only what you need in an easy to read and and comprehend book. Whether you are studying for your Technician, General or Extra Class this guide is a must! The guides are available for download in three versions: pdf, Kindle or Nook.
**Bonus** The Technician .pdf Guide is FREE
From the author, Dan, KB6NU: In 2005, I was cooling my heels at the public-information table at our club’s Field Day site, when up walked Bruce, W8BBS. In his hand, he had a copy of his Tech license exam study guide. What he had done was take each question in the question pool, reworded them as statements, and then reorganized them into paragraphs, adding text where appropriate to tie it all together and help it read more like a book.
We talked about how several folks had successfully used the study guide to get their licenses and how much they seemed to like his approach. Then, we talked about how he might get the word out so that more people could use his study guide. After quickly paging through the study guide, I volunteered to post it on our club’s website.
In 2006, Bruce was unable to update his study guide, so he gave me permission to to do it. That version was the first issue of the No-Nonsense, Technician-Class Study Guide. In 2007, I produced the first No-Nonsense General Class Study Guide. In 2012, after much coaxing, I came out with the No-Nonsense Extra Class License Study Guide. All three study guides have been updated as time has gone on and are current with the latest question pools.
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