1) Because it's shorter, we usually say "HAM" instead of "amateur radio". No one actually knows where the word "HAM" came from, but some of us think it might stand for "Hardly Any Money"!-)
2) Speaking of MONEY, it costs CONSIDERABLY LESS to be a HAM than it does to have a cellphone:
* HAM-license study materials are available on the Internet
* It costs about $15 to take the test
* It costs less than $30 for a dual-band VHF/UHF "handi-talkie" radio from Amazon.com or eBay.com
* On the other hand, if you have gobs of money, you can spend it in HAM radio ... just as you can spend gobs of money on other hobbies (fancy cars/boats/airplanes, golf clubs, horses, home-entertainment systems, giant-screen TV's, ....) [FWIW, while I have owned and still own more-expensive radios, I paid $200 in 1975 (about $800 in today's inflated greenies) for my favorite HAM rig, a Ten-Tec Triton IV (aka Model 540) which is still going strong!]