Spanish 3-Step DMR Guide
Know someone that speaks Spanish and wants to get on DMR?
We've got you covered with the DMR 3-Step Guide that has been translated into Spanish.
Send them this link to help them get on DMR!
Great choice! Welcome to the exciting world of digital radio.
Have questions? Give us a call! (816) 532-8451
Have questions? Give us a call:(816) 532-8451
Know someone that speaks Spanish and wants to get on DMR?
We've got you covered with the DMR 3-Step Guide that has been translated into Spanish.
Send them this link to help them get on DMR!
A common overlooked part of putting together a repeater system is the selection
of proper feedline. "But, coax is coax, isn't it?" "I use LMR-400 for all my stations at home. That should be good enough for a repeater, right?" Well, not necessarily.
Have you ever wondered what makes a repeater system? Or interested in setting up your own system?
This article will explain all the components of a repeater system. With an emphasis on duplexers and why a person would get one.