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BridgeCom Official Blog

  • The Internet Of Digital Radio By Onno VK6FLAB
    June 6, 2018 Daniel Kochanowicz

    The Internet Of Digital Radio By Onno VK6FLAB

    The topic of how radio evolves and embraces available technology is one that describes the hobby itself. From spark-gap through AM, SSB, and FM our community picked up or invented solutions to make communication possible.

    When the internet came along it too became a tool ripe for picking and in 1997 a connection between a radio and the internet was made with the Internet Radio Linking Project or IRLP when Dave VE7LTD, a student at the University of British Columbia, joined the UBC Amateur Radio Society. Using a radio, some hardware, and a computer, you could send audio between...

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  • The Role Of Radio In Die Hard
    June 5, 2018 Daniel Kochanowicz

    The Role Of Radio In Die Hard

    Jen Glifort

    In July 1988, Die Hard was released in theaters. Although it received mixed reviews at the time, it has quickly become a classic of the action genre. Thirty years and four sequels later (with another in the works), it’s clear that the legacy endures. By now, the films follow a tried-and-true formula, and radio is a crucial part of it...

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  • ARRL Counting Down to Hamvention® 2018
    May 4, 2018 Daniel Kochanowicz

    ARRL Counting Down to Hamvention® 2018

    ARRL once again will be out in force at Hamvention® — May 18 – 20 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. The largest annual Amateur Radio gathering in the US this year has been sanctioned as the 2018 ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention. This is only Hamvention’s second year at its new location in Xenia after decades at the now-shuttered Hara Arena.

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